"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporation that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson
By the mid-1700s, the British Empire was approaching its height of power around the world. Britain had fought four wars in Europe since the creation of its privately-owned central bank, the Bank of England. To finance these wars, the British Parliament, rather than issuing its own debt-free currency, had borrowed heavily from the Bank. The Empire had surmounted a debt of £140,000,000 - a staggering sum for those days. Consequently, the British government embarked on a program of trying to raise revenues from its American colonies in order to make the interest payments to the Bank. In 1764, King George III passed a law called the Currency Act which forced the colonies to borrow money from the Central Bank of England at interest, putting the colonies into debt. This offset the economy of the colonies and was widely opposed. Benjamin Franklin later reflected that, “The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution.”
A central bank is an institution that produces the currency of an entire nation. Two specific powers are inherent in central banking practice: the control of interest rates and the control of the money supply or inflation. The central bank does not simply supply the government’s economy with money. It “loans” it to them, at interest, then through the use of increasing and decreasing the supply of money, the central bank regulates the value of the currency being issued.
When Woodrow Wilson became President in 1913, his campaign was funded by a group of bankers who had also written a plan to create a Central Bank. Congress passed this Bill in 1913, two days before Christmas, when many representatives were home with their families. And to honor his commitment to the men who had funded his campaign, Wilson signed this Bill to create the Federal Reserve into law.
Years later, Woodrow Wilson wrote this about his decision: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by a system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
The Federal Reserve Bank is not owned or controlled by our Federal Government. It is indeed a private corporation owned by private stockholders. The "Member Banks" that own the Federal Reserve are: Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.
Despite being privately owned, Congress has absolutely zero oversight over the Federal Reserve. It is a private bank that loans all our money, at interest, to the government. It is exactly the same as the Central Banking model that our Forefathers declared Independence from in the American Revolution. They have over time replaced our system of real money of gold and silver coin with worthless paper, which is against the law according to the Constitution.
“It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford |
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Philosophy
- Hits: 5761
According to, fascism is defined as "a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism." The increasing nationalization of the major economic engines in the United States of America can only be leading down one road, to fascism and an ever more tyrannical rule of government.
The current administration, under Barrack Obama, claims that ownership of GM and the banks is a temporary, but necessary step towards economic recovery. The same argument was said of Amtrak, yet decades later, it is still under Government control, bleeding countless taxpayer dollars into another failed government enterprise. In reality, the bailouts of the automakers were a way for Barrack Obama to repay the cronies of the United Auto Workers who gave millions to his campaign.
The bank bailouts did the same for the elite global bankers who have a stranglehold on the monetary supply. There is nothing in it for the taxpayers, except misery and further enslavement, for that is all taxes are, modern-day shackles.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Philosophy
- Hits: 7742
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty, teeth and keystone under independence ... from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace...the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable ... the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference. They deserve a place of honor with all that's good." George Washington
The Second Amendment states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Gun control is an issue in America that raises quite the controversy. As such, as American citizens, it is our responsibility to examine the nature of this controversy. Despite what critics of the Second Amendment might argue, the Founders recognized private ownership of firearms as one of the best methods for securing the Liberty of the people.
In the Federalist Papers, James Hamilton stated, "(The Constitution preserves) the advantage of being armed, which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation ... (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." Why would he use the word trust? Because ultimately, armed citizens are the final check on government power. Without arms, the original colonies would have never been able to fight off an oppressive government. In the event of martial law, the individual right to keep and bear arms means that we will always have the means to defend our Freedom. Thomas Jefferson states, "No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
The fact of the matter is that "gun control" is central to genocide. In recent decades, common technologies have boosted governments' powers over citizens. Accordingly, enforcement of "gun control" laws makes citizens more vunerable than ever to this enhanced government power. Presently, we cannot abolish government. To prevent further genocides, however, we can, and must, abolish "gun control." Everyone knows about the Nazi Holocaust directed against Jews, Gypsies, and others, and most people have some awareness of a Turkish genocide against Armenians (1915-1917) and the Cambodian campaign against all educated persons between 1975 and 1979.
But official campaigns designed to exterminate all the people in a given group were also carried out in the Soviet Union, in China, in Guatemala (against the Indian population between 1960 and 1981), and in Uganda under the brutal regime of Idi Amin. Each genocide has been preceded by major "gun control" legislation, like HR 45 in the United States of America, that facilitated the confiscation of weapons from the targeted victims.
The most important thing we can do to prevent future genocides is to eliminate "gun control" laws from the arsenal of government weapons against the rights of the people.The reason the Second Amendment is included in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution is to protect America, as a last resort, against a tyrannical government. |
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Philosophy
- Hits: 6050
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin
Since September 11, 2001, the threat of "terrorism" has brought concerns about safeguarding the "homeland." In response to the imminent threat of domestic "terrorist" activity, the US Justice Department constructed a body of legislation that is known as the USA Patriot Act. Some terms of this hastily enacted legislation altered the standard due process procedures and constitutional rights that offenders and citizens previously enjoyed under the US Constitution.
On October 17, 2006 George W. Bush signed the Military Commissions Act (ends the writ of habeas corpus) and allowed the president to station military troops anywhere in the United States and, thereby, take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder."
There is nothing in the "detainee" legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured. Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states, in the LA Times, "The compromise legislation...authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights."
Furthermore, President George W. Bush, without issuing a press statement, on May 9, 2007, signed a directive that granted near dictatorial powers to the office of the president in the event of a national emergency declared by the president. The "National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive," with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, establishes under the office of president a new National Continuity Coordinator. |
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Philosophy
- Hits: 6013